Scenes taking place on Picard’s vineyard were often done by adding the futuristic elements on top of the plate photography. In the early episodes we often see hovering crop sprayers or other small future-tech bits throughout.
 Scenes of cities on earth were a mix of plate photography and CG.  For the Daystrom institute shots, we created the buildings and added them over plate photography. Scenes like the above were full CG environments, with plate inserts.  The build team
 Scenes on or around Mars were a big player in the early episodes. This required creating and look development on multiple assets including the planet itself, the industrial areas on its surface, a fleet of transports around it, and satellites.
 The Mars-zoom shot was a mix of CG ships, 2D sky and clouds, DMP for the buildings and a CG/DMP planet surface, all stitched together in comp.
 Other scenes on the surface were a mix of full-CG buildings, actors, ships and refineries, with background DMP and insert plate shots.
 Still others were full DMP projected on geo from the environment team with CG shuttles peppered in for life.
 Planet Vashdi was designed in-house and featured in the background of many shots.  It’s planetary shield was also developed to be visible, but not overly distracting on the planet throughout the scenes.
 the DNEG team did a lot of look development on the La Sierna asset, since it featured in many shots throughout the season.  It needed to be seen in all manner of angles and sizes, including seeing the engines from behind and flying through its front
 The opening nebula sequences, that are part of Picard’s dream, were done with a combination of DMP and FX clouds, as well as some comp love by our lead artists.
 The Idea was to create a few nebulas that all felt a bit different and could be cut together into a dreamlike sequence.
 The nebulas came together fairly quickly due to the heavy cloud work being done in DMP, and saving the Houdini sims for the near-camera pieces.
 Ultimately a successful sequence, that sees some of these shots being reused throughout other Trek projects as well.
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