The excellent build team in LA created our giant “Atmos Farm” structure, to be used throughout the scene.  Rough geo was supplied by the client and whipped into shape with added detail and modularity.
 The asset needed to sell it’s enormous scale, while still being readable in the dark background.  We accomplished this through accent lighting and carefully balancing it’s falloff into the darkness and background mist.
 This plate image shows some of the unique bokeh shapes we had as reference to guide our comp lens and defocus look.
 Also added to the scene were some midground buildings between our practical FG set and the Atmos Farm, used to further imply the scale of the wall.
 Throughout the large one-take shot of Spike fighting in the gang hideout, we were tasked with splicing multiple cameras and takes into a single fluid move.  We accomplished this with a few bespoke scripts written to combine our camera data into one
 In addition to the camera combine tools, we built and tracked in various pieces of foreground bricks and other bits to blend the seams in plates. These objects were modeled in Maya, then textured, lit and rendered from the Nuke scene.
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